Tuesday 19 October 2010

Yes, it IS me.

Just thought I'd do a quick post to update you about my 'name change'

I switched my display name from SkinnyRose to Rozy. I sign off with Rozy anyway and I feel as though I should keep the 'Skinny'-title, for when I actually AM skinny.. I mean it's like preemptively calling yourself Mrs...
So if 'Rozy' comments... IT'S ME! :D



  1. Very smart!!! Haha you are just engaged to Skinny and you are going to marry it soon when skinny arrives home from war!

  2. Hey :)
    I think the powder helped but at the same time I'm afraid of a yo-yo effect...
    Yes, I noticed a lil triumph. Some pants are a lil bit bigger and...that's it. I expected more but I think it's a good start :D

    stay strong with your fast ;) and I like your new name :)

  3. I got very confuzled hahaha! Thanks for the tips hun - I think i'll drink some apple juice and lots of green tea today, and you being proud makes me a very happy lady! Hope you're okay (:
    Stay strong! xox

  4. i knew it was you! pshawww and have you seen americans eat? I doubt you could beat anyone here in the eating dept. if you tried love. your talking about the home of nathan's hot dog eating contest! and thanks for the heads up about the flush, you've scared me out of doing something stupid!


  5. Haha, I was a little confused, glad to know that it's you! I know what you mean about that. :)
    Stay superstrong.

  6. thanx for that hun
    and all ur comments are teh best
    im trying to stay away from alot of food rightnow i jjust odnt wanna eat at all cause if i dont eat then i cant throw up but tis hard on my heart
    so trying fruits and stuff lil stuff
