Monday 18 October 2010

Thinspo | Sad

As you can see from my title, there is an obvious line between thinspo and sad. And ‘The Machinist’, my friends, has crossed the line into sad by far!

And I don’t mean this in a negative way, absolutely not – I really enjoyed that movie. But damn, it was sad, made me tear up. Yeah, okay Christian Bale was skinny, but it didn’t make me think: “Whoa, I want to be skinny!” it didn’t inspire me to starve. If anything, it made me think ‘This must be what it feels like to see someone you care about whither away’…

And let’s not forget it’s SUCH A WASTE of a hot actor!!!

I think this kind of reminded me not to go overboard (not that I need to worry my fat ass about that now). So before I go one, cuties, I got to say: stay safe and don’t overdo it!

Much love <3

Now onto the regular stuff…

As I was re-reading my last post, I noticed it was a week since I’ve posted… A WEEK! And what have I done? Jack shit! Yes, you heard me! Jack shit! Not Fred shit, Johnny shit or Abraham shit – Jack shit! (I know, I’m not funny… laugh anyway).

I really couldn’t bear it to post until I’d had one good day though. And today would be that day (fingers crossed, don’t want to jinx it). The last couple days I’ve been doing well until the evening, but then I’d always find some excuse to binge. NOT TODAY!

I only had tea and water today (and a sip of diet coke), so I’ve done fabulously, if I do say so myself.

Almost Skinny Vegan’s Fasting tips have been great, so I’d advise anyone who’s been on/off to check them out, they really helped me out.

I’ve made a few changes. I’m gonna wear ‘x’ number of bracelets, ‘x’ being the number of days I’m fasting. I’m allowed to take off one bracelet on the morning AFTER the fast. But I’m changing it to a 6 day fast, which coincides with the 71-goal. I should reach it. If I’m 75 right now (assuming the worst), I should will lose 4kg by Friday. And I’m making a schedule every evening or morning, because when I have free time, I obviously can’t handle it and start to eat!

And I’ve decided to measure! Just not the things you regularly measure. I’ve decided to measure my calves! It’s one of those things you never really think of (unless you’re crazy fat like me). But now that it’s getting to be boot-season and all, it’s really nasty when your boots feel tight around your calves. I measured mine and.. ugh…

41cm (FUCKIN SHIT!!! That’s 5 cm smaller than my thighs were at their lowest point. It’s bigger than some catwalk models thighs are now!!! I just tightened the measuring tape and I figure that 35cm should be a good aim.)

I’m also adding a list of rewards to the sidebar…

Responses to your lovely comments:

HarleyHeartsAna: Thanks, even though I’ve been on a binge, I’ve been angry enough to work out. So I guess that evens the score :P

Viulu: Actually, it makes me a bit happier to know he’s holding juice and not milk. Even before I was vegan, milk made me gag…

Shout out to my soul mate, Ash! I’m back

Alice D & Bonesarepure: I say: “Feel the Anger! Feel the Burn!” I’m sure fat isn’t anger-resistant :D

Liz: I hadn’t seen angry thinspo either, but Ash kind of provided in that post of hers! I don’t know if you’ve heard of, but they had a section with bitchspo, which was kind of angry…

Gaia Andre: Thanks, hun. You’ll like it even more now that I’m posting again, I hope xD

Almost.Skinny: I’m over it now and thanks again for the tips! xx

Now, I’m gonna go catch up with your blogs and comment like a good girl should ^^




  1. Ah good to hear from you again hun :) glad you're doing ok. Good luck on the fast can't wait to hear how you do! Stay skinny, stay safe <3

  2. hey i was starting to get worreid about uwhen u were posting
    but im glad ur well an du have a nw plan and everything yay for that :)
    i never washed the machinist i really should though

  3. ahhhh i have missed you like crazy don't ever do this to me again i don't know if i can handle it! lol the bracelet thing is great! i have been wanting an ana bracelet, maybe i'll get one i can add a bead to every day i'm good.

  4. You'll be back on track in no time. I freaking love the bracelet idea, I may have to do that too. :)

    Have a great week! <3
    Post again soon!

    -Molly xoxoxo

  5. The bracelet idea's great! :) I'm so glad my tips could help! Keep going- today's the day! xxx

  6. Mmmm...Christian Bale.
    Great ideas in this post. xx
