Saturday 9 October 2010


Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, which means we're going out for food... I DONT'FUCKING WANT FOOD!!!

I'm just gonna make up some excuse about not going "I'm busy" "I'm feeling ill" whatever, cause if I go, I'm gonna eat and I'm NOT going to be happy.

Didn't take the pics yet, sorry, will do it soon and I'll also weigh myself monday,  yeah, I know, putting it off, but I just want to see a DECREASE!! on that fucking thing...

Okay, this may not have been the most usefl post ever, but I just wanted to update you and I also wanted to put it out there that I'm NOT EATING OUT TOMORROW! If I write it here, I'll have to stick to it...

I'm feeling shite today....

So here's a pic to pick me up (ugh, even word-jokes aren't doin' it for me today...)


  1. sorry love, but don't you think you should go? it is your dad after all. You could get soup or salad and pick at it? or fake sick and just go but don't order/say you already ate.

  2. ^ good ideas! You should really go if it's your dads birthday. Although i understand, maybe just getting him a super-cool birthday present to make up for it! haha
    Hope you feel better, and just so you know, the word-joke cheered me up ^_^
    Stay strong xo

  3. Definitely not a good idea to go.
    My downfall was my dad's birthday, and it messed me up for almost a week. 6 pounds.

    Good luck with the weigh in! I like your blog, I'll definitely be following you! <3



  4. You don't have to not go, there are other options. You could just order a salad. Or say you're not feeling well and don't think any sweets would sit well in your stomach. You can always look up online what foods the restaurant has for selection. Usually, they almost always have a healthy option. But don't think I'm trying to convince you to go, I'm just suggesting something I find useful. :) xx

  5. its ur dads bday hun i think that u shouold go and jsut get like a salad and just pick at it u dont have to eat alot just being there is god
    andi love the pic

  6. Depends what your relationship with your father is like I guess! I say do what's right for you- if you really want to go and just need a plan then the above have some good ideas :) But if skipping it is no biggie then that definitely sounds like the safer option. Stay strong! Good Luck! xxx
